Coloring grid cells is irregular in IE - CSS issue

Hi, I use the following VB-Method for coloring some certain properties in the grid, e.g. the state column:
Dim tmpInn As Innovator = Me.getInnovator()
Dim i As Integer

For i=0 To Me.getItemCount()-1

  Dim bg_color_state As String
  Dim myCss As String
  Dim thisItem As Item = Me.getItemByIndex(i)
  'Choose color for 'State'
  Dim thisStatus As String = thisItem.getProperty("state","")
      Select (thisStatus)
          Case "Preliminary","In Review","In Change"
          bg_color_state = "#FFFFBB" 'light yellow
          Case "Released" 
          bg_color_state = "#90EE90" 'light green
          Case "Superseded","Obsolete" 
          bg_color_state = "#FFBBBB" 'light red
          Case Else
          bg_color_state = "" 'none
      End Select

  If bg_color_state <> "" Then
    myCss = ".state { background-color: " & bg_color_state & " }" & vbNewLine & ""
  End If
Next i
Return Me
Unfortunately, the coloring is not always performed correctly in IE. The color is fine, but the borders of the cell sometimes disappear. Is there a solution for this? It's not a big issue, but it does not look pretty. Best regards! Angela
  • Hi Chris, Yes, I see the border issue in the regular relationships as well. At first I thought this effect was caused by my coloring Method. But maybe a solution is the CSS property background-clip? This following code correctly draws the State column: myCss = ".state { background-color: " & bg_color_state & ";background-clip: padding-box;}" It seems not to have any negative effect in Chrome and Firefox. The dark grey relationship grid columns still show missing borders. This propably can be fixed inside the general CSS settings in the installation folder. Do you know which function in Innovator/client/styles is responsible for it? It is worth a try. If it does not work. it is not a problem either. I just like when things look tidy. Angela
  • Hi Chris, Yes, I see the border issue in the regular relationships as well. At first I thought this effect was caused by my coloring Method. But maybe a solution is the CSS property background-clip? This following code correctly draws the State column: myCss = ".state { background-color: " & bg_color_state & ";background-clip: padding-box;}" It seems not to have any negative effect in Chrome and Firefox. The dark grey relationship grid columns still show missing borders. This propably can be fixed inside the general CSS settings in the installation folder. Do you know which function in Innovator/client/styles is responsible for it? It is worth a try. If it does not work. it is not a problem either. I just like when things look tidy. Angela
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