Coloring grid cells is irregular in IE - CSS issue

Hi, I use the following VB-Method for coloring some certain properties in the grid, e.g. the state column:
Dim tmpInn As Innovator = Me.getInnovator()
Dim i As Integer

For i=0 To Me.getItemCount()-1

  Dim bg_color_state As String
  Dim myCss As String
  Dim thisItem As Item = Me.getItemByIndex(i)
  'Choose color for 'State'
  Dim thisStatus As String = thisItem.getProperty("state","")
      Select (thisStatus)
          Case "Preliminary","In Review","In Change"
          bg_color_state = "#FFFFBB" 'light yellow
          Case "Released" 
          bg_color_state = "#90EE90" 'light green
          Case "Superseded","Obsolete" 
          bg_color_state = "#FFBBBB" 'light red
          Case Else
          bg_color_state = "" 'none
      End Select

  If bg_color_state <> "" Then
    myCss = ".state { background-color: " & bg_color_state & " }" & vbNewLine & ""
  End If
Next i
Return Me
Unfortunately, the coloring is not always performed correctly in IE. The color is fine, but the borders of the cell sometimes disappear. Is there a solution for this? It's not a big issue, but it does not look pretty. Best regards! Angela
  • Good catch, Angela! You should be able this property globally by adding it near line 336 of \Innovator\Client\styles\controls\grid.css .
    .dojoxGrid .dojoxGridContent .dojoxGridCell, .claro .dojoxGridTreeModel .dojoxGridContent .dojoxGridCell {
    padding: 1px 2px 0px 3px !important;
    padding: 0px 2px 0px 3px\9 !important;
    <strong>background-clip: padding-box;</strong>
    You will also need to update the filesRevision tag in your Client web.config to apply this change to all of your clients. Chris __________________________________________ Christopher Gillis Aras Labs Software Engineer
  • Good catch, Angela! You should be able this property globally by adding it near line 336 of \Innovator\Client\styles\controls\grid.css .
    .dojoxGrid .dojoxGridContent .dojoxGridCell, .claro .dojoxGridTreeModel .dojoxGridContent .dojoxGridCell {
    padding: 1px 2px 0px 3px !important;
    padding: 0px 2px 0px 3px\9 !important;
    <strong>background-clip: padding-box;</strong>
    You will also need to update the filesRevision tag in your Client web.config to apply this change to all of your clients. Chris __________________________________________ Christopher Gillis Aras Labs Software Engineer
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