Getproperty() function returns only Null Value


I am facing an issue while developing a server side C# method. My method supposed to pull up all the Manufacturer Parts from the table and iterate through them checking them for a condition. If the condition is met, it should return an error.

I was able to retrieve the Manufacturer Part list and iterate over them. However when I am trying to get the value of a property of the Manufacturer Part, it always returns Null.


Item Man_Part_List = inn.newItem("Manufacturer Part");
Man_Part_List.setAttribute("where", "[Manufacturer_Part].IS_CURRENT= '1'");
Man_Part_List = Man_Part_List.apply();

for (int i = 0; i < Man_Part_List.getItemCount(); i++)
   Item cur_man_part = Man_Part_List.getItemByIndex(i);
   string cur_man_part_name = cur_man_part.getProperty("item_number");       //cur_man_part_name always returns NULL

   if (cur_man_part_name == part_number)
    return this.getInnovator().newError("Manufacturer Part with same name already exist" );
    count = count + 1;




Parents Reply Children
  • That´s really weird. Does your "getItemCount()" return the correct number items?

    What result do you get, when you directly display the item in an error message?


    Innovator inn = this.getInnovator();

    Item Man_Part_List = inn.newItem("Manufacturer Part", "get");
    Man_Part_List.setAttribute("where", "[Manufacturer_Part].IS_CURRENT= '1'");
    Man_Part_List = Man_Part_List.apply();
    return inn.newError(" " + Man_Part_List);

    I am little bit confused of your 'where' query. It´s not wrong and should work, I am just curious why you use it. Manufacturer Parts by default are not revised.  What happens when you don´t use this filter or replace it with this version, that does the same:


    Is your query part of a bigger query? So for example you also search for Parts and Part AML at the same time? 

  • Thanks for helping me on this. Here are my comments.

    1) Does your "getItemCount()" return the correct number items?  -- Yes

    2) What result do you get, when you directly display the item in an error message? - Attached the screenshot

    3) What happens when you don´t use this filter or replace it with this version, that does the same:Man_Part_List.setProperty("IS_CURRENT","1"); -- Tried it. But the results are same. It will still not give any name of the ManufacturerPart - Attached the screenshot. We have changed out Manufacturer parts to have revisions.

    4) Is your query part of a bigger query? So for example you also search for Parts and Part AML at the same time?  ---No



  • It doesn´t make any sense, there are no errors.

    1. Is the additional '1' a typo? return inn.newError("My test result: " + cur_man_part_name1);

    2. Do you see the result "placeholder" when providing placeholder value like:

    string cur_man_part_name = cur_man_part.getProperty("item_number","placeholder");

    3. You can try using xpath, also it´s not necessary:

    Item cur_man_part = Man_Part_List.getItemsByXPath("//Item[@type='Manufacturer Part']").getItemByIndex(i);