Subscribe on item change

Hi At some point i think I noticed a community project adding functionality to let a user "subscribe" to item updates. We have users who ask for functionality so they can select to subscribe on by instance a specific part to let them receive an email every time this part, ECO or whatever is updated. Does anyone have information about this old community project or have anyone tried to build such functionality? Best Regards Henrik Olesen Kamstrup A/S Denmark
  • Hi Stefan and Eli Thank you for your answers. The solution I was looking for gave the users a way to right click a part, ECO or whatever and select subscribe and unsubscribe to receive an email notification on all updates. @Eli we have VC enabled for out Part Itemtypes, but it won't allow us to make a user subscribe and then get email notifications every time somebody edits a part does it? As far as I'm aware of it would only notify the user when a comment is added to the item. Best Regards Henrik
  • Hi Stefan and Eli Thank you for your answers. The solution I was looking for gave the users a way to right click a part, ECO or whatever and select subscribe and unsubscribe to receive an email notification on all updates. @Eli we have VC enabled for out Part Itemtypes, but it won't allow us to make a user subscribe and then get email notifications every time somebody edits a part does it? As far as I'm aware of it would only notify the user when a comment is added to the item. Best Regards Henrik
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