Dynamically Add Workflow Process Path

Hi Community,

Just wondering if this error is common.

Basically I have a workflow with multiple activities in sequence. I also have another activity that is not in the sequence and has no paths to it (we'll call this activity X).

I am looking to, via an action, create a workflow process path to activity X and then vote that path. I am getting an insufficient permission error to add a workflow process path. Am I missing something here? Can Add for that item type shows admin has rights. Is there another item I need to take into account?

  • Not sure if this will help, but on some of our methods we have a couple of lines that set permissions before doing anything else.  If you get this working, I would love to know how.

    C# Method

    s_Daemon is an Identity that was set up prior to me.  It is supposed to be similar to the Aras PLM Identity.

    Aras.Server.Security.Identity s_Identity = Aras.Server.Security.Identity.GetByName("s_Daemon");
    Boolean PermissionWasSet = Aras.Server.Security.Permissions.GrantIdentity(s_Identity);

  • Not sure if this will help, but on some of our methods we have a couple of lines that set permissions before doing anything else.  If you get this working, I would love to know how.

    C# Method

    s_Daemon is an Identity that was set up prior to me.  It is supposed to be similar to the Aras PLM Identity.

    Aras.Server.Security.Identity s_Identity = Aras.Server.Security.Identity.GetByName("s_Daemon");
    Boolean PermissionWasSet = Aras.Server.Security.Permissions.GrantIdentity(s_Identity);
