Filter ItemType properties to "Non Core" only

if you are an Aras administrator or developer and often work with ItemTypes and their properties you know that each ItemType has many "Core" properties, such as "config_id", "created_on" and so on. Regular ItemType has 23 such properties and Relationship ItemType has 27.

if ItemType has only a few "User" properties you have to scroll up and down each time to find them among this "Core" properties. It's very annoying. But we can easily hide these properties that we rarely need anyway.

Open any ItemType and switch to "AML" search mode on search toolbar of "Properties" tab. Paste this condition into AML edit box:

<name condition="not in">'behavior','classification','config_id','created_by_id','created_on','css','current_state','generation','id','is_current','is_released','keyed_name','locked_by_id','major_rev','managed_by_id','minor_rev','modified_by_id','modified_on','new_version','not_lockable','owned_by_id','permission_id','related_id','sort_order','source_id','state','team_id'</name>
Run search. You'll see that only "User" properties displayed.

Click on "Star" right to "Properies" to add this search to Favorites and give it name like "Non Core" or "User properties".

Now for any ItemType you can click down arrow right to "Properties", select your "Non Core" favorite search and filter properties to only "User" properties.

  • Hi Alaxala

    This will filter the non core properties however sometime we might end up working on the system properties like State, Created On, Created By.. etc but those will be hidden by this Search

    We used to follow a naming convention for custom properties. Example if the project name is xyz then our custom properties will always start with xyz_ (Example: xyz_cost, xyz_color..). 

    In this way, by just giving xyz_* in the simple search will list all the custom properties.

    Thank You

  • Hi Alaxala

    This will filter the non core properties however sometime we might end up working on the system properties like State, Created On, Created By.. etc but those will be hidden by this Search

    We used to follow a naming convention for custom properties. Example if the project name is xyz then our custom properties will always start with xyz_ (Example: xyz_cost, xyz_color..). 

    In this way, by just giving xyz_* in the simple search will list all the custom properties.

    Thank You

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