How to upload multiple files.

I want to upload multiple files. I created the following method, but it does not work well. Where is it wrong? ************************************************************ //Aras Innovator 11.0 SP12 //Server side , c# Method Item fileObj1 = inn.newItem("File", "add"); fileObj1.setProperty("filename", "filename1.txt"); fileObj1.attachPhysicalFile(filepath1); fileObj1 = fileObj1.apply(); Item fileObj2 = inn.newItem("File", "add"); fileObj2.setProperty("filename", "filename2.txt"); fileObj2.attachPhysicalFile(filepath2); fileObj2 = fileObj2.apply();                       // <-- Here Innovator becomes busy. ************************************************************   Thank you.
  • I also have one use case where I handle a few files at once, basically I do the same as you. Try to add more error handling, maybe this leads you to the right track:
    Item fileObj1 = inn.newItem("File", "add");
    fileObj1.setProperty("filename", "filename1.txt");
    fileObj1 = fileObj1.apply();
    if (fileObj1.isError())
        return inn.newError("Error in fileObj1 " + fileObj1.getErrorDetail());
    // Delete temporary File from Server
    FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(filepath1);
    Item fileObj2 = inn.newItem("File", "add");
    fileObj2.setProperty("filename", "filename2.txt");
    fileObj2 = fileObj2.apply();   
    if (fileObj2.isError())
        return inn.newError("Error in fileObj2 " + fileObj2.getErrorDetail());
  • Thank you for your reply. As your advise, I added error handling but it still does not work. The first one is uploadable, but Innovator does not work with the second one. (Innovator freezes unless it restarts in IIS.) It seems that Innovator freezes at "fileObj2.apply();" and an error isn't returned. Is there any other wrong code? Or, please let me know if there is a sample code that has been confirmed.
  • How does your filepath2 look like? Somehow like this? `string path = @"C:\\temp\\text.txt"; You can take a look at this sample, but basically it does the same as your code: This sample also contains some code for the file upload. I use an extended version of this and sometimes trigger it 2-3 times in turn. Never had any trouble.
  • Thank you for your reply. The file path is as follows. string filepath1 = @ "C:\\Aras\\filename1.txt"; string filepath2 = @ "C:\\Aras\\filename2.txt"; And these files certainly exist.
  • Hi Sam, There are a few different approaches to accomplish this, but first I want to point out that you may have a problem with the definition of your file paths. Using the @ character before a string removes the need to escape slash characters. You should update your file path definitions to be like below.
    string filepath1 = @“C:\Aras\filename1.txt”;
    string filepath2 = @“C:\Aras\filename2.txt”;
    In terms of uploading multiple files, is there a particular reason you are creating File items directly like this? Typically, I would expect these files to be related to a Document or another ItemType. If you relate these Files to an item instead, you can upload multiple files using the sample below.
    Item doc = inn.newItem("Document", "add");
    doc.setProperty("item_number", "My doc");
    //First file
    Item docFile = doc.createRelationship("Document File", "add");
    docFile.setFileProperty("related_id", filepath1);
    // Second file
    Item docFile2 = doc.createRelationship("Document File", "add");
    docFile2.setFileProperty("related_id", filepath2);
    // Apply
    return doc.apply();
    If you need to upload these as File items without containers, I would recommend using the CheckinManager class which was built for this kind of use case. You can see an example of using this class below.
    Item fileUpload = inn.newItem("tmp");
    // File 1
    Item file1 = inn.newItem("File", "add");
    file1.setProperty("filename", "filename1.txt");
    file1.setProperty("actual_filename", filepath1);
    file1.setProperty("checkedout_path", @"C:\Aras");
    Item located = file1.createRelationship("Located", "add");
    located.setProperty("related_id", "67BBB9204FE84A8981ED8313049BA06C"); // default vault
    // File 2
    Item file2 = inn.newItem("File", "add");
    file2.setProperty("filename", "filename2.txt");
    file2.setProperty("actual_filename", filepath2);
    file2.setProperty("checkedout_path", @"C:\Aras");
    Item located2 = file2.createRelationship("Located", "add");
    located2.setProperty("related_id", "67BBB9204FE84A8981ED8313049BA06C"); // default vault
    // Apply
    IomFactory factory = new IomFactory();
    Aras.IOME.CheckinManager cm = factory.CreateCheckinManager(fileUpload);
    return cm.Checkin(1);
    Christopher Gillis Aras Labs Software Engineer
  • Thank you for your advise. It worked right. (^^)  
  • Looking to adapt this for uploading from 20 to 1000 files as we migrate from the older PLM Systems to Aras

    Examples I've seen require "related_id" leading me to believe this would be a two-step process. 

    Batch load document information, pull "related_id" and then build .cs to upload physical file (.pdf)

    Does Aras facilitate the multi-file upload/migration?  Is there an admin tool to address this?