I built 5new item types and once built I realized all the icons on TOC cannot be seen anymore, don’t know why. When I logged in as a user they show up correctly. They are only not showing up when I login as innovator admin.
I built 5new item types and once built I realized all the icons on TOC cannot be seen anymore, don’t know why. When I logged in as a user they show up correctly. They are only not showing up when I login as innovator admin.
that´s a known Issue in Innovator 12 when you have to many ItemTypes in the TOC. So the bug typically affects admin.
You can fix this one in the codetree.
1. Open file ..Innovator\Client\web.config.
2. Add maxQueryString attribute at two position (compare with lines numbers)
3. Increase filesRevision counter:
Thank you for this fix AngelaIp . Even though the web.config is much smaller in Version 26, it still works by simply adding the line once after the denyUrlSequences node.
Hi Daan,
thanks for confirmation for Release 26!
Did you really just add the one line after denyUrlSequences? In my version I still use two or three patches.
But I also remember that Aras support patched this one multiple time through various updates. So I seem to have multiple variants of the patch. In the instance above I use all the patches they ever gave me - just to be save.
Yes, one line fixed it for us.
The issue was only present for 3 administrators (which makes sense as they have most icons to load). For all 3 it was resolved by the single line.
Indeed – better safe than sorry!
This worked for me as well in R25
This worked for me as well in R25
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