How to transfer table data from one Innovator instance to another fast and easy?

Hi community,

I have two Innovator instances. Both have different purposes and unique applications.

I want to transfer one of the custom applications (incl. ItemType, Form, Method,..) AND the existing data from one instance to another.

The application itself is no big problem. We can create a PackageDefinition and use the existing Export/Import tool for transfer.
But what about the data?

In theory we could also create a PackageDefinition for the data. But the generated package do not contain all item properties. The exported items do not contain important properties like created_on/modified_on, permission_id, id, config_id, current_state, state, etc. .

But it´s important for me that the data is transferred with all of these properties.

How would you solve this task? There are many possible ways, but which one would you use?

My current ideas:

- SQL Insert select?
- CSV SQL export/import?
- AML export/import?
- transfer via IOM/REST connection?
- Innovator Admin?
- BatchLoader?
- Shell script?
- SQL script?
- Hire intern that type in the data manually?
- Something else?

I want to avoid using Excel or CSV as transfer medium. I want to use a concept that is reusable and maybe can be automated.
In addition I have to modify some of the data before import. These should be integrated into the process.

Any ideas and thoughts welcomed! Smiley



  • You can explore about the data synchronization service in ARAS (Theoretically knowledge but I didn't used the DSS yet)

  • Hi Gopi,

    thanks for your post!

    I once tried the DSS in another project. It killed the database and made it impossible to edit Parts.FireFireFire

    The current DSS version modifies a some of the default ItemTypes. So use it with caution. It´s a pretty complex project, I didn´t spend much time to understand how it works.

    Regarding this topic I will probably use a mix of AML and SQL scripts. I will temporary copy the 2nd database to the main server. Then prepare the scripts for the data transfer and make a few test runs. When everything is fine, I make the cutover.

    Basically a similar approach the Aras update team uses.

    Scripts have the advantage, that I can include the required item modifications (link correct users identities, etc.). It requires a lot of preparation, but cutover can be reduced to minimum.

    Nevertheless, I haven´t started yet. So I am still happy for any tips!


  • Hi Gopi,

    thanks for your post!

    I once tried the DSS in another project. It killed the database and made it impossible to edit Parts.FireFireFire

    The current DSS version modifies a some of the default ItemTypes. So use it with caution. It´s a pretty complex project, I didn´t spend much time to understand how it works.

    Regarding this topic I will probably use a mix of AML and SQL scripts. I will temporary copy the 2nd database to the main server. Then prepare the scripts for the data transfer and make a few test runs. When everything is fine, I make the cutover.

    Basically a similar approach the Aras update team uses.

    Scripts have the advantage, that I can include the required item modifications (link correct users identities, etc.). It requires a lot of preparation, but cutover can be reduced to minimum.

    Nevertheless, I haven´t started yet. So I am still happy for any tips!

