Disable sorting in relationship grid

Hello community, 

Does anybody know if it's possible to disable the sorting of a few columns in a relationship grid? 

My guess is that the change should be done somewhere in the CodeTree, but I'm not sure where.

Thank you in advance.

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  • Ah ok, you want to prevent custom sorting completely. Why? It shouldn´t do much harm.

    Not sure if what you want to achieve is possible. You can prevent editing of cells, but I don´t think you can prevent sorting.

    You maybe can try to overwrite the aria-sort attribute that is used for the column header cells. But there are right now no good Method options available to do Method/Function overwrites in relationships.

    "onLoad" Form Method may work a bit, but will probably be overwritten again when users refresh the relationships.

    Take a look at aria-sort in core.js, searchGrid.js or _Builder.js in codetree. These are parts of the sorting feature, but changes in these files would apply to all ItemTypes.