Saving to existing Document Item w/ Office Connector

Hi there, At the moment I'm looking into the Office Connector with the goal to implement it for our business. Currently I'm only managing to save files to ARAS as new Document items. I.e. I have a .docx file appended to Document item Doc-001, open it in Word using the "Open in Office" action, edit it and then use the "Save and close" button in the ARAS ribbon in Word to save my changes to the file and upload it back to ARAS. Rather than create a new generation for my Document item and replace the old file relation with a relation to the updated file ARAS simply creates a new Document item (say Doc-002). This clutters up the maingrid with a number of versions of the same file. Edit a file 10 times and Doc-001 to Doc-010 are different versions of the same file. Work on multiple files and Doc-001 to Doc-999 are numerous versions of numerous files without much of a pattern to it. Am I just configuring things wrongly here and is there a way to force the desired behavior or will I have to write custom methods to take care of all of this? Kindest regards, Remco van Oosterhout
  • Another issue could be that the temporary file is saved in the user's OneDrive/SharePoint enviremont and the path it produces simply is too long to allow the file to be uploaded or there's some permissions issue going on there. For now, every time I want to reupload a file I first have to save it to a local directory. Perhaps this causes the Connector to view it as a new file and as such creates a new Aras Document item. Could that be the case?
  • Another issue could be that the temporary file is saved in the user's OneDrive/SharePoint enviremont and the path it produces simply is too long to allow the file to be uploaded or there's some permissions issue going on there. For now, every time I want to reupload a file I first have to save it to a local directory. Perhaps this causes the Connector to view it as a new file and as such creates a new Aras Document item. Could that be the case?
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