Transfer a property value to another item's property


I'm working with AML to update the Data in aras innovator. i'm stuck because i can't seem to transfer a property from one item to another.

I have 2 items A and B. let us say that item A is a part and item B is a document.

item A has a property called x which has the value "test"

I want to transfer this value to the property y of item B

this is my progress for now:

<Item action='get' type='document' version='0' id='123456' >
<Item action='get' type='part' select='x' id='987654' >

Thank you in advance.

  • Hi,

    for your use case you probably need two queries. The first one gets a value from the Part and the second one edits the Document.

    This not something you can do with Innovator Admin or similar tools. But it´s easy to do with a Method. You even could directly set the values via SQL (if you are familiar with the data structure and know what you do).

  • Hi,

    for your use case you probably need two queries. The first one gets a value from the Part and the second one edits the Document.

    This not something you can do with Innovator Admin or similar tools. But it´s easy to do with a Method. You even could directly set the values via SQL (if you are familiar with the data structure and know what you do).
