How to export a part?

It is that simple of a question. 
I need to export one or two parts from one environment to the other. Just the parts and nothing else.

I have tried adding the part to the package definition. I chose, com.aras.innovator.solution.PLM, dependency. I don't think this is the right dependency. Which one should I choose to export just the parts?

Upon importing the part, there are not errors. I don't know if any "success" message should be shown. There isn't any message when the import is done so I am assuming it was successful. 

However, that particular part is not in the destination environment. 

  • Dependency setting is overrated. You most of the time don´t need it.

    A relevant dependency would be, if you have a modified Part ItemType with custom properties and you need to ensure that imported Part match the customized ItemType. Or you import a custom solution that needs to have a certain non-common solution installed (like MPP, CE, custom stuff...).

    The package you mentioned is normally always installed in your Innovator. 

    If you cannot find your parts there are multiple reasons:

    - If it´s really due to an error, check the log text files in the export/import tools for more details
    - If it´s not error: Do you use a custom number generator? If you export your Parts with a specific item_number and than import them into an instance with number generator, your Parts will renumbered and you might not find them.