
Hi, I am trying to use ArasLabs/collab-folders ( with Aras Innovator Version 11.0 SP11 I have importing all packages including optional successfully. And also copied codetree folder. And I can sign-in without any issue. But I get the following error, whenever I try to open folders related views. Cannot load grid configuration ” ! ERROR: – Failed to get the tgc_Apply to Item Types ItemType. Issue is coming from \Innovator\Client\Solutions\CommonUtilities\javascript\CommonBaseTreeGridCfgHandler.js and the following bold line fails. Seems it fails to get configuration item for itemtype. var configItem = top.aras.newIOMItem(“”); configItem.loadAML(‘<Item type=”‘+this.applyToItemType+'” action=”CommonBase GetGridConfigItem” configName=”‘+configItemName+'” />’); configItem = configItem.apply(); if (configItem.isError()) { top.aras.AlertError(top.aras.getResource(“CommonUtilities”,”commonUtilities.message.cannot_load_grid_configuration”).format(configItemName)+” – “+configItem.getErrorString()); return false; } this.configItem = configItem Please help with pointers to fix the issue. Thank you so much. Note: I did not get any answers from Community forum, so asking again in Development forum. I hope that is not a concern.
  • Found out all by myself. Sharing here for benefit of others. Works for both Version 11 SP11 and SP12 too. Although this instruction is part of installation notes, it was not explicit. Go to variables and set values for the following: tGridCfg cFolder Client/Solutions/ItemFolders/xml/cFolderStructureConfig.xml tGridCfg cFolder Template Client/Solutions/ItemFolders/xml/cFolderStructureConfig.xml tGridCfg Project Client/Solutions/ItemFolders/xml/cFolderStructureConfig.xml tGridCfg Root Folders TOC Client/Solutions/ItemFolders/xml/cFolderStructureConfig.xml tGridCfg User Folders TOC Client/Solutions/ItemFolders/xml/cFolderStructureConfig.xml
  • Found out all by myself. Sharing here for benefit of others. Works for both Version 11 SP11 and SP12 too. Although this instruction is part of installation notes, it was not explicit. Go to variables and set values for the following: tGridCfg cFolder Client/Solutions/ItemFolders/xml/cFolderStructureConfig.xml tGridCfg cFolder Template Client/Solutions/ItemFolders/xml/cFolderStructureConfig.xml tGridCfg Project Client/Solutions/ItemFolders/xml/cFolderStructureConfig.xml tGridCfg Root Folders TOC Client/Solutions/ItemFolders/xml/cFolderStructureConfig.xml tGridCfg User Folders TOC Client/Solutions/ItemFolders/xml/cFolderStructureConfig.xml
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