Get Multilist Values in comma seperated form

Hello All,   I am trying to get the selected multi list values to be get displayed in comma seperated form in the property field of multilist value datatype. will u please give me the inputs how to do this. Thanks in advance.
  • Hello Poonam, This can be accomplished by logging in to your environment as admin, opening the Form related to your ItemType, and changing the Field Type of your property field to Text instead of Listbox Multi Select. However, this also means that your users will need to edit this field by typing in a comma-separated list of values as well. One alternative to consider is to create two different Forms: one for editing and one for viewing. You can do this by creating two different Forms under the Views relationship tab of your ItemType and setting the Types to Default and Edit respectively. You can set the field type of this property to Text for the Default Form and set the type to Listbox Multi Select for the Edit Form to make it easier for your users to change the values. Chris
    Christopher Gillis Aras Labs Software Engineer