Renewing expired Oauth certificates lead to error 502. What can be the reason?

Hi community,

I have an older Innovator 12 instance were the OAuth certificates are about to expire.

This topic is mentioned in this thread which also contains the current Aras solution to renew the certificates:
How to update expire Aras certifies

In short, we all have to update the certificates after two years to avoid the Vault server will not work anymore. If you update on a regular basis, this one is no relevant topic, as the certificates will be renewed by update.

I used the solution to update the certificates on a 12SP7 test server and it worked fine. I tried the same solution on a 12SP10 instance and it didn´t work at all. At this instance I get following error:

Innovator cannot be accessed at all and I don´t even make it to the login screen.

Does anyone know, what can cause this issue and how to solve it?

Many thanks for any help!


  • Question solved, I found the solution. The recertification doesn´t work if your password contains characters like $ and ; cause they aren´t escaped by the batch job. These characters works for the initial certificates created with the installer, but not for the ones you create with the batch job. So I mainly got the 502 error cause my passwords were wrong.

    I changed the passwords completely and now everything works as expected.