Need help with AML query to connect two independent ItemTypes via referencing item

Hi community,

I am working on an AML query but cannot find a proper solution. It contains a lot of custom ItemTypes, but technically the query would work similar like this:

START--------> Part 
---------------------> Part BOM
--------------------------> Part
<------------- MyCustomItemType (part_id) <-------- GOAL is to get properties of this referencing item

We start from Part and go downwards to get the complete BOM. Easy.

Now I have a second independent ItemType "MyCustomItemType" that also uses Part inside an item property. I want to include this custom ItemType to the query to fetch some additional data. In my case the end result shall combine BOM information with warehouse specific data. 

Problem: "MyCustomItemType" is not included in the "natural downward path" of Parts. And I want to avoid to include it at all costs. The data is federated and shall only be fetched on demand. So we have only a true reference from "MyCustomItemType" to Part, but no real reference form "Part" to "MyCustomItemType". 

Question: How can I get the data of MyCustomItemType when we start from the top part? Is this possible at all?

Interesting detail: When we use a Query Definition these kind of "inverted" queries would be possible by "using referencing item". Is something similar possible with plain AML?

Thanks for any hint!


  • Hi Eli,

    here some update: The warehouse view was a big hit and people love it! In the meantime a second use case showed up and I identified a scenario where Federated Data in Query Definitions will become EPIC. 

    -> Use Federated Data with the new Reporting Feature and show diagrams with federated data in the Dashboard!

    Use case:

    Let´s assume we produce electronic products, and each device is tested after manufacturing. The testing process involves various methods, with voltage and current measurements being commonly included. Typically there is a department responsible for these tests, which plans the tests and analyzes the results. For this purpose, there is dedicated hardware and software. 

    In the phase of production ramp-up, additional stakeholders are interested in the test data as it provides valuable insights into the process and ensures everything is running as expected. Monitoring and analyzing the data closely allows any potential issues to be identified and resolved early, optimizing the production process.
    But not everybody has access to the test software and database so using federation to display test certain data in Innovator is an elegant solution. 

    I got the following request: 'Please provide this and that data so I can export an Excel file and generate charts.'

    Yeah, the classic Excel approach.Joy Of course, this is not how we handle it. Excel is not ideal because it only provides a snapshot of the data, lacks real-time monitoring, is prone to human error and struggles with large datasets.

    One solution is to provide some diagrams and reports directly from the SQL Report Server. This works fine and people are happy. Of course the MS SQL Report Server only offers limited access control as it doesn´t honor the permission system of Innovator. But Query Definitions do!

    This leads us to the new Aras Reporting features. The possibility to display charts in the dashboard would be the icing on the cake, cause people can have an instant live view to data of interest. In the simplest case, they just want to know how many products have been tested and how quickly. In other cases, they may need to monitor a specific component. These kind of view are perfect for  users who don't primarily work in the testing department, but still need certain data, such as quality managers, engineers, product managers, manufacturing planning,... 

    So if Aras don’t have any plans for 2025 yet - go for it! :)

  • Happy new year! If Aras doesn´t have any plans for 2026 yet - we would also need drill down reports on top of the reporting service (with and without federated data).Sunglasses

    Use case: The report shows a diagram with various measurement values. Some values ​​may not be within the specified limits. Users shall be able to click the specific value in the diagram and it opens the digital twin item so they can see the complete data and history of the DUT.

    Important: In best case Aras allows admins to specify by them selves what happens when clicking the element (e.g. just show some additional information inside a tooltip AND/OR provide a link to a specific item). 

    Basically we are right now work on the practical implementation of what Aras described in the last view blogs regarding digital twins :).

    Edit: I noticed that I mixed up the term "drilldown reports" with something else. Right now we mainly want to have more interactive diagrams. When I look at the current Innovator Report Service engine, I even have some ideas how to do it. Grin
    I just share these kind of ideas so they maybe inspire Aras for even better ideas of what to do with the data. Working with digital twin data was never part of our roadmap. And now it´s the most requested feature.

  • Happy new year! If Aras doesn´t have any plans for 2026 yet - we would also need drill down reports on top of the reporting service (with and without federated data).Sunglasses

    Use case: The report shows a diagram with various measurement values. Some values ​​may not be within the specified limits. Users shall be able to click the specific value in the diagram and it opens the digital twin item so they can see the complete data and history of the DUT.

    Important: In best case Aras allows admins to specify by them selves what happens when clicking the element (e.g. just show some additional information inside a tooltip AND/OR provide a link to a specific item). 

    Basically we are right now work on the practical implementation of what Aras described in the last view blogs regarding digital twins :).

    Edit: I noticed that I mixed up the term "drilldown reports" with something else. Right now we mainly want to have more interactive diagrams. When I look at the current Innovator Report Service engine, I even have some ideas how to do it. Grin
    I just share these kind of ideas so they maybe inspire Aras for even better ideas of what to do with the data. Working with digital twin data was never part of our roadmap. And now it´s the most requested feature.

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