How start start Aras in German Language


I have installed German language pack in Aras . 

Once the pack is installed I did the changes in web.config file (<globalization requestEncoding="utf-8" responseEncoding="utf-8" culture="de-DE" uiCulture="de-DE" />). I have commented culture="en-US" line.

After doing these changes I restarted the IIS . After hitting the login url, I am not getting login page in German language and also entire menu is coming as default.

Can anyone let me know how to start the Aras client in German locale.

Any help is highly appreciated.



Parents Reply
  • But have you tried to clear your browser cache? The FileRevision counter is used to inform Clients that they shall reload the web elements. Otherwise, you will work with stuff from the cache, which may still be in english. 

    Take a look at the web.config in folder Innovator/Client. The corresponding parameter is at the end:

    <cachingModule moduleEnabled="true" filesRevision="3" />
