Show form on promote


Usecase is as follows

need to validate field on promote if case of failure need to popup form(existing) and capture user input.

for validation, i tried with pre server method on lifecycle but popping up form not possible from server method. 

Is there a way to achieve this?

Any suggestion/work around would really help


Parents Reply Children
  • Hi ArG,

    You are right, I completely forgot. I would suggest a different approach since unfortunately everything is server side relating to lifecycles, it would not be possible to create a client side method even with an onClick. I believe you would have to go into the code tree and edit the core html called for promotions on the promote button. Another thing to take into account is this would affect all lifecycles not just the one you are looking to edit.

    Hope this helps,


  • Hi Nithin,

    I have handled the code which will only be called for particular itemtype.

    But the issue is unable to pass dialogarguments to form opened through modaldialog like itemid,item and etc.

    It is become bit complex now. Let's see how it goes.

    Thanks for help
