How do I find all of the property names associated with an object definition?

I am attempting to query all of the names of the properties from the User ItemType.

Essentially, with my first AML query, I am attempting to get all of the property names that are attached to the User ItemType definition. From there I will be able to dynamically populate a table with all associated property names and values for each row. Looking for the properties surround by the red square in screen shot

Below is a Dialog window that I have created, so my connection is established prior to showing this form, I set the Public Connection property on this form, and then show it.

Below is my failed attempt

Option Strict On
Option Explicit On
Option Infer Off
Imports Aras.IOM
Imports System.Text
Public Class ArasInnovatorUsers
    Public Connection As HttpServerConnection
    Private Sub ArasInnovatorUsers_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        Dim sb1 As New StringBuilder
        Dim sb2 As New StringBuilder
        Dim dQ As String = Chr(34) ' Double Quotes
        Dim inv As New Innovator(Connection)
        Dim UserProperties As New List(Of String)
        'sb1.AppendLine(String.Format("<AML>", ""))
        'sb1.AppendLine(String.Format("    <Item action={0}get{0} type={0}ItemType{0}>", dQ))
        'sb1.AppendLine(String.Format("        <Relationships>", ""))
        'sb1.AppendLine(String.Format("            <Item action={0}get{0} type={0}Property{0} select={0}name{0}/>", dQ))
        'sb1.AppendLine(String.Format("        </Relationships>", ""))
        'sb1.AppendLine(String.Format("    </Item>", ""))
        'sb1.AppendLine(String.Format("</AML>", ""))
        sb1.AppendLine(String.Format("<AML>", ""))
        sb1.AppendLine(String.Format("<Item type={0}ItemType{0} action={0}get{0} select={0}name{0} where={0} = 'User'{0}>", """"))
        sb1.AppendLine(String.Format("<Relationships>", ""))
        sb1.AppendLine(String.Format("<Item type={0}Property{0} action={0}get{0} select={0}*{0}/>", """"))
        sb1.AppendLine(String.Format("</Relationships>", ""))
        sb1.AppendLine(String.Format("</Item>", ""))
        sb1.AppendLine(String.Format("</AML>", ""))

        Dim AML1 As String = sb1.ToString
        Dim item1 As Item = inv.applyAML(AML1)
        For i As Integer = 0 To item1.getItemCount - 1
            Dim user As Item = item1.getItemByIndex(i)
            Dim propName As String = user.getProperty("name")
        sb2.AppendLine(String.Format("<AML>", ""))
        sb2.AppendLine(String.Format("    <Item type={0}User{0} action={0}get{0} select={0}*{0}>", dQ))
        sb2.AppendLine(String.Format("        <Relationships>", ""))
        sb2.AppendLine(String.Format("            <Item type={0}Value{0} select={0}value,label{0}/>", dQ))
        sb2.AppendLine(String.Format("        </Relationships>", ""))
        sb2.AppendLine(String.Format("    </Item>", ""))
        sb2.AppendLine(String.Format("</AML>", ""))
        Dim AML2 As String = sb2.ToString
        Dim item2 As Item = inv.applyAML(AML2)
        For i As Integer = 0 To item2.getItemCount - 1
            Dim user As Item = item2.getItemByIndex(i)
            '   MsgBox(user.getProperty("login_name"))
    End Sub
End Class

  • Hello,

    I quickly generated some AML which does the following. I created and tested this using nash in a local instance. You'll need to modify your VB code to create the string, but the end result should look like this:

    <Item action="get" type="itemType" select="name">
    <Item type="property" action="get" select="value, label" />

    This AML will take the itemtype specified within the <name> tag and return some basic information about that ItemType, as well as all the value/label combinations for the related properties.


  • That didn't quite solve my problem, but it did get me working towards a solution which is partially successful. Now the issue is that I can get all property names, but not the labels... Newest working code below...

    I guess part of the answer I was looking for was in the fact that the resultes are embedded into the XML nodes, not that I quite understand that structure yet....

    Option Strict On
    Option Explicit On
    Option Infer Off
    Imports Aras.IOM
    Imports System.Text
    Imports System.Xml
    Public Class ArasInnovatorUsers
        Public Connection As HttpServerConnection
        Private Sub ArasInnovatorUsers_Load(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
            Dim sb1 As New StringBuilder
            Dim dQ As String = Chr(34) ' Double Quotes
            Dim inv As New Innovator(Connection)
            Dim UserPropertyNames As New List(Of String)
            sb1.AppendLine("    <Item action='get' type='User' select ='*'>")
            sb1.AppendLine("        <Relationships>")
            sb1.AppendLine("            <Item type='property' action='get' select='*'/>")
            sb1.AppendLine("        </Relationships>")
            sb1.AppendLine("    </Item>")
            Dim AML1 As String = sb1.ToString
            Dim aml_1 As Item = inv.applyAML(AML1)
            'Failed attempt to retrieve value, label
            For i As Integer = 0 To aml_1.getItemByIndex(0).node.ChildNodes.Count - 1
                'Gets all property names, but not the label...
            For Each prop As String In UserPropertyNames
            For i As Integer = 0 To aml_1.getItemCount - 1
                Dim user As Item = aml_1.getItemByIndex(i)
                Dim item As ListViewItem = Nothing
                For i2 As Integer = 0 To UserPropertyNames.Count - 1
                    Dim prop As String = UserPropertyNames.Item(i2)
                    Dim propValue As String = user.getProperty(prop)
                    If i2 = 0 Then
                        item = New ListViewItem(propValue)
                    End If
        End Sub
    End Class

  • Could you post an example of the XML which is returned? I recommend testing the AML through nash, and then that way you can know what you'll have to parse using your code.

  • Unfortunately due to security concerns, I cannot, but if you have a working example that simply iterates and displays the property names and values with a messagebox that would be tremendously helpful, I am looking to only access properties and labels of the default Aras Innovator User object....

  • If you look at the wrking code I posted above you will see what I am trying to do, which is mostly done, all I need to do is change the listview column header names to be that of the label instead of the property name

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