• How to get a property default value?

    Hi everyone, This feels like a silly thing to ask, but I haven't seen anything in the documentation or the forum regarding getting the default value of a property. Some context: I need to evaluate values, but if a value is not present, I need…
  • Value of field doesn't change if the field type is itemtype and have onchange event.

    My scenario is after selecting any value in field 'A' which is of item type, I have to set/change the value of field 'B'. so i added a onchange event in field 'A'. like this const inputValue = this.value; window.handleItemChange('field B name', "new…
  • Disable a Relationship Tab

    I added a relationship to Part Item Type and I tried to disable the relationship tab in certain condition( the condition is not added to the code yet) . Relationship name ="a_Cost Data", label =" Cost Data", I am not sure which one I should use for GetTsbId…
  • How to reference the ItemType in the current tab in a Dialog box?

    I'm working on a client side method to clone an ItemType using a dialog box. My approach is to make a form with a check box to choose to copy properties and another check box to copy values from a relationship tab, and a button for "Done" and "Cancel…