• How can I trigger the classification to update and change forms from a different property?

    Hi Aras Community, I have a use case where my classification is technically controlling two things. What type of workflow they are on and what kind of form they see with the ability to switch the different kinds of forms. I'm trying to prevent mistakes…
  • Button not adhering to CSS

    Hello, I've got a button with very simple CSS (below). Problem is, the button isn't adhering to the code: {$this field rule} input; input[type="button"]{ height: 50px; width: 50px; } input[type="button"]:disabled{ background: #dddddd; } On both…
  • How to get a property default value?

    Hi everyone, This feels like a silly thing to ask, but I haven't seen anything in the documentation or the forum regarding getting the default value of a property. Some context: I need to evaluate values, but if a value is not present, I need…
  • onChange field value does not keep new value when item is saved

    Hi everyone, I have an on change event that fires when one of my stock fields are changed, which should change the value of a stock message field. The function I have is able to change the value of the stock message field, but when I save/click…
  • Client side Form function and script not evaluating correctly.

    Good day all. TL;DR: I am having trouble getting an onLoad method to reliably print an evaluated value to a field. The form is as follows: Stock message contains: <span id='stock_msg'></span> I have a javascript onLoad method that compares…
  • Value of field doesn't change if the field type is itemtype and have onchange event.

    My scenario is after selecting any value in field 'A' which is of item type, I have to set/change the value of field 'B'. so i added a onchange event in field 'A'. like this const inputValue = this.value; window.handleItemChange('field B name', "new…
  • JS in Item view: Why is document.thisItem.node.childNodes modified on lock/unlock?

    While running a method OnFormPopulated, I reference the list document.thisItem.node.childNodes to get an overview of the properties of the current item. This NodeList contains all elements on first load, however, when a lock/unlock action subsequently…
  • How can i Disable FormattedText field using Javascript

    Im trying to disable FormattedText FormattedText field using on Formpopulate. unfortunately i have been unsuccessful. Can someone please tell me the script to disable it.
  • Open specific ItemType form from a client side method

    Hi All, I have an ItemType that is setup with two forms attached, one being the main default form used for viewing, editing, adding etc.. I would like to however be able to through a client side method open the "Secondary Form" loaded with a context…
  • 购买基尔大学Keele毕业证成绩单Q.微信786161891英国文凭购买.英国大学学历制作.买真实留信认证.大使馆认证Keele University

    Keele University
  • Disable a Relationship Tab

    I added a relationship to Part Item Type and I tried to disable the relationship tab in certain condition( the condition is not added to the code yet) . Relationship name ="a_Cost Data", label =" Cost Data", I am not sure which one I should use for GetTsbId…
  • How to Set RelationShip field value result as onFormPopulated ?

    I have a itemtype call 'Part' , Part has a field call 'part price' (type is decimal) Part has a relationship call Part_detail Part_detail has a field call 'RP price' (type is int). I need "part price" to have thousand separator, but it is only…
  • How to set the value of dropdown form field to null, when the field is disabled

    Hi, I have multiple dropdown fields in a form. For example i have 3 dropdown fields called 'list1', 'listA' and 'listB'. Thanks to @Christopher gillis for his blog , i can able to disable 'listB' dropdown field when the value of 'list1' is 'listA' …
  • How to render a boolean field in a form as HTML with images or colored text

    has_change_pending in Part/CAD/Document forms is a check box. I want to make it - An image, if true show one image, if false show another Or - A colored text, if true show in one color, if false show in another color Trying with making the field…
  • Fast grid

    How to disable the fast grid in searching?
  • Implementing User Options like Choose CM Options

    I am working on a user option dialog where they can pick and choose some values[ logged_in_group to start with] I have created placeholder properties in Core_GlobalLayout for this. Get_IdentityMembership_Details and Get_AllGroups_Details works fine…
  • How to reference the ItemType in the current tab in a Dialog box?

    I'm working on a client side method to clone an ItemType using a dialog box. My approach is to make a form with a check box to choose to copy properties and another check box to copy values from a relationship tab, and a button for "Done" and "Cancel…
  • JS event when ECO form is saved?

    Hi, Is it possible to listen to some kind of event to know when the ECO form has been saved? I have an HTML field in the ECO form, where I have put a <script> tag with JavaScript code within. I want that code to execute again after the form has been…
  • Disable Add relationship

    Hi all, I should disable the ability to create a new relationship when an Item is in a certain state. For example: I have an Item Document with an relation to Item File. When the user create a new document (state document = New)  he can create a new…
  • Disable date and Item in Form

    Hi, I have a form with an field type="Date" (Name=expiring_date) and another field type="Item" (Name=item_code). I would disable during the OnFormPolulated event if the state is different from released. I tried: document.getElementsByName("expiring_date…
  • Disabeling dropdown field on form

    Hi I have some strange behaviour on a form. I have added a JaveScript method to disable some fields if the property "kam_is_transferred" = 1. The strange thing is the code below works on text fields but it doesn't seem to work on dropdown fields. Is…