Change Management not visible in ToC

Hello, I wanted to add more CM options for the users, so I insert as admin and went "actions->Choose CM Options". The problem is that know when I insert as a user I cannot see anymore the Change Management Category. Where is the problem? Thank you in advance.
  • Hello, I noticed that when I check the CM options from the admin account, if I go for example ItemType> PR > TOC Access tab > there is the identity 'all employees'  that has access in the Change Management category. But if I uncheck the CM option PR , in the ItemType> PR > TOC Access tab > there is the identity 'ARAS PLM' . So, in order the users be able to see the CM options changes, I should add the World identity too? Thank you in advance!  
  • Hello, I noticed that when I check the CM options from the admin account, if I go for example ItemType> PR > TOC Access tab > there is the identity 'all employees'  that has access in the Change Management category. But if I uncheck the CM option PR , in the ItemType> PR > TOC Access tab > there is the identity 'ARAS PLM' . So, in order the users be able to see the CM options changes, I should add the World identity too? Thank you in advance!  
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