Got Error of Socket Problem

I am trying to send email on lifecycle state change, I made change in InnovatorServerConfig.xml file : <Mail SMTPServer=""/> I got Error: A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network [2404:6800:4003:c00::6c]:25 where to mentioned a port number in aras?
  • Hi Maddy, You can try using the IIS SMTP E-mail configuration to set up the connection to your gmail SMTP server. Open up the Information Services (IIS) Manager on your server and select "SMTP E-mail" from the ASP.NET features section. You will see a form like this that you can use to enter your SMTP server address, the port you want to use, and the authorization credentials required. IIS SMTP Form
    Eli Donahue Aras Labs Software Engineer
  • Hi Eli, Thanks for your reply, I follow the instructions as you said, in InnovatorServer.xml, I keep <Mail SMTPServer="queue" /> and configure the SMTP E-Mail on IIS, but now I got error: CANNOT GET IIS PICKUP DIRECTORY. I found one solution for that on this forum but in my case it won't work. Here is that solution: I don't found SMTP service in services list or Mailroot folder in inetpub folder. Do I need to install any 3d party SMTP Server. My machine is windows 10 so I can't find the server manager. Thanks.
  • Hi Maddy, If you are using Windows 10 you can install IIS, SMTP and other features using the Windows Control Panel.
    1. Open up the Control Panel
    2. Navigate to Programs and Features
    3. Click Turn Windows features on or off
    You can install IIS and the SMTP Server features there.
    Eli Donahue Aras Labs Software Engineer
  • Hi Eli, I already installed the IIS and required features, as you said but the problem persist.   Regards, Maddy.