New install 405 error <SOLVED!>

Greetings all,

Just completed the install.  Got past a 500.19 error and now I'm getting a 405 error.  The database installed properly according to the installer, but I'm still not at my first login.

Localhost shows my local IIS demo page.

The innovator url hits a 405.

This should be a common error.  Anyone figure out a way through this?


Solved thanks to assistance from AngelaP and Razorleaf.  Turns out I had the wrong string to access Innovator.  I remember pulling it from a "install complete" box, but it's been long enough I'm not sure where I got it.  The correct string for the default install is:


Anything longer than that and you've got the wrong URL.

  • Hi Kaplah,

    error 405 is not very common in Aras context. But it can happen if WebDAVModule is installed on the server. But according to the official documentation it only should happen when running a DELETE action on an item.

    Have you done all the required IIS settings correctly? I have a few videos regarding various error messages and IIS on my YT channel. Cannot post the link do to the forum filters, but should be easy to find. 

  • WebDAV isn't installed as a feature. 

    I'm not sure if IIS is set up correctly.  The instructions are somewhat lacking for setup.  I remember the older version had a issue with authentication with the MSQL database and I needed a work around, but once done it resulted in a working system.  There was a better check to validate everything was in place.

      The new version of Aras seems to check nothing and install a broken system happily.  

    I do have your youtube channel.  I'll check your videos and validate I have everything.

  • Yes, I have a few videos on YT regarding installation. I cannot post the links, cause the last time I tried to answer your question (Monday) the spam filter kicked me from the forum for four days. Scream

    Search for "Install Aras Innovator - How to activate and IIS..." and something with "Aras installation troubleshooting (doesn´t cover error 405 but other stuff). 

    Check if there is any useful additional error message in the browser debugger.

  • Yep.  I watched your videos and those clued me in to the errors I was seeing early on.  However I'm stuck on the error 405.  Following your videos as well as the razorleaf site.  I've smoothed out my process and can get from a green field to "installed but getting a 405 error" without running into any other issues.  However I'm getting a 405 no matter what I do.  I've followed the razor leaf instructions exactly on Windows 11 Pro, and on a Windows server 2022 instance.

    Webdav is disabled.  Event viewer seems clear.  My best guess is there is an IIS setting being missed.

  • At least this one mentioned the 405 error (scroll down to the end), but it´s also a reference to WebDAV:

    Tech Tip: Using the Aras RESTful API

    If you go to "localhost" without the Aras url, do you also get the error message? Or do you get the default IIS page?

  • My base "localhost" goes to the IIS blue welcome screen.  It's just the Aras page that throws the 405.  As stated Webdav is not installed so the URL doesn't seem to be of assistance here.

    I'd be curious if this is a new issue.  Have you tried doing a fresh install in the last two months to a new windows machine?  Either a VM or a completely blank server.  I'm hitting this with a Windows server 2022 VM and my personal windows 11 pro desktop.  Neither have had a previous Aras install and both were a completely green field install.  Following Razorleaf's notes I ran straight into this 405 error.  As such this could be an issue with the latest version of Aras.

  • Last year I did three new installations on a Windows Server 2022. Complete new servers.

    I basically did everything as described in my IIS, Aras installation and troubleshooting YT videos. But used Aras version was still Innovator 12. I installed Release 2023 on top of some of the servers, but they only needed some additional hosting bundles. 

    At least you get the blue IIS screen. So it´s maybe more an Innovator related issue.
    Did you just click through the installer or did you use custom settings?

    Which error message do you get exactly? Is there some additional text message?
    Is there anything helpful in the browser console?
    Do you use https?

  • Lets see if you can get this video.

    Do I did a quick greenfield install on a brand new windows server 2022 VM.  Specifics are in the video.  You can watch me follow along with the process from Razorleaf.  The install progresses and I get a 405 error.  Nothing shows up in the browser console.  I'm not setting up https.

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  • Nice video! 

    Why do you install the 6.0.27 hosting bundle and not 6.0.6? When I learned one thing regarding Innovator - it´s very sensitiv regarding the hosting bundles. 

    Also install MicrosoftEdgeWebView2RuntimeInstallerX64. As far as I remember you don´t need it for Innovator, but later for Import/Export tool. 

  • ShareX open source capture software with my work plantronix headset.

    Reached out to Razorleaf too and they nailed it.  Turns out I had the wrong URL.  As I remember I got this url post install somewhere, but I needed to shave off a bit.


    I will accept this as my f-up.  However perhaps add this to your video as well?  A "If you're getting a 405 error post install check your url".  Maybe I'm the only one to make this mistake.  I'd love to keep it that way.