Email Notification

Hi guys I have successfully created my first project now I want to test that my lifecycle works. so can someone  please help me with the email notifications so that i can  test email when the user goes through the different lifecycle stages.  I have looked at the email notificastion in the programmers guide but i cant really get my head around so can someone please help me.

Thank you in advance. I appreciate the help. Thank you.

Kind regard  


Parents Reply
  • Option 1: I've "admin" user with a good email, I've put the associated SMTP server address in the config (replacing a queue value for Mail SMTPServer).

    The "admin" user has an Identity "Innovator Admin" (there is no "Portal Admin" as in the screenshots you so kindly provided).

    I'm looking for LifeCycle and Email Configuration...

    sidenote: Chrome doesn't work with this after v80 update. I'm using FF today.

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