I try to read my CAD file with REST API like localhost/.../CAD , it return like below.
"@odata.context": "">localhost/.../$metadata,
"value": [
"authoring_tool": "SolidWorks",
"classification": "Mechanical/Part",
"created_on": "2018-06-13T02:45:26",
"description": "First CAD Docment",
"generation": "1",
"has_change_pending": "0",
"id": "1260956E892E4879B93D6F64F8B683CC",
"is_current": "1",
"is_released": "0",
"is_standard": "0",
"is_template": "0",
"keyed_name": "CAD01",
"major_rev": "A",
"modified_on": "2018-06-13T02:45:26",
"name": "CAD01",
"new_version": "1",
"not_lockable": "0",
"state": "Preliminary",
"item_number": "CAD01"
But i can't able to fetch the CAD file. How can i resolve this issue?
Thanks & Regards,
Sathishkumar C.
One of our Aras Labs engineers wrote a blog post recently that contains examples on how to perform various queries using the new REST API. It contains an example on how to get information about an Item property (the native_file property of the CAD ItemType) and how to get information about a relationship (the CADFiles relationship of the CAD ItemType).
I hope these examples help.
Christopher Gillis
Aras Labs Software Engineer
One of our Aras Labs engineers wrote a blog post recently that contains examples on how to perform various queries using the new REST API. It contains an example on how to get information about an Item property (the native_file property of the CAD ItemType) and how to get information about a relationship (the CADFiles relationship of the CAD ItemType).
I hope these examples help.
Christopher Gillis
Aras Labs Software Engineer