
CMII Affected Items Wizard

Interactive Wizard that helps analyze which Items (Parts or Documents) should be added to the ECR Affected Items Tab.
It implements rules that guides the user to consider additional Documents and Parts that should be evaluated. The wizard records decisions made about impact (or not) and records for traceability, who made the decisions.

Author: Rob McAveney, Peter Schroer, and Mike Gavlak

Organization: Aras Corporation

Project URL:

  • will this tool work for ARAS innovator version 11?

  • Hi BoxCoder,

    This community project was originally written against 9.3, and hasn't been upgraded since then. In 11.0, this project has been mostly replaced by the Impact Matrix which exists OOTB on the Express ECO ItemType. The Impact Matrix serves a similar purpose in terms of informing the user about other related items that might be affected by the current change. 

    If you're looking to have something like this wizard on the ECR, I'd recommend instead taking a look at the ECR Impact Matrix community project which gives an example of how to add the standard Impact Matrix to the ECR ItemType. 


  • Hi BoxCoder,

    This community project was originally written against 9.3, and hasn't been upgraded since then. In 11.0, this project has been mostly replaced by the Impact Matrix which exists OOTB on the Express ECO ItemType. The Impact Matrix serves a similar purpose in terms of informing the user about other related items that might be affected by the current change. 

    If you're looking to have something like this wizard on the ECR, I'd recommend instead taking a look at the ECR Impact Matrix community project which gives an example of how to add the standard Impact Matrix to the ECR ItemType. 


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