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  • Value of field doesn't change if the field type is itemtype and have onchange event.

    My scenario is after selecting any value in field 'A' which is of item type, I have to set/change the value of field 'B'. so i added a onchange event in field 'A'. like this const inputValue = this.value; window.handleItemChange('field B name', "new…
  • Change default date format of date field.

    Dear, How can I change date format to yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss of date field on item type config property. I see aras provide 4 types format of datetime(Short date, short date time, long date, long date time). I input custom format ( yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss…
  • How can I get the entire list of Item Types by using the RESTful API?

    Hello guys! I'm working in an implementation in which I need to get the list of item types that are available in the Aras application and if possible with their relations, but for my case I need to get this list through the REST API. I also need to…
  • Include relationship when exporting ItemType?

    Why aren't my RelationshipTypes on my custom ItemType exported when I run Aras's export.exe program? It renders it useless if it doesn't include *everything*.
  • Reset ItemType

    Hello everyone... I have edited my ItemType (Document) for some purposes. Can i reset the edited ItemType.?