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  • Link in children's Item Type view to the parent's Item Type view

    Hello everyone, Try explain, my scenario: I have the Item Types related: 1° Item type Authorization. 2° Item type AuthorizationTittle. 3° Item type AuthorizationTittleRelation (only to related). I need add a link or buton in AuthorizationTittle…
  • ARAS 12 - Before saving children's Item Type get the ID of the parent's Item Type

    Hello everyone, Try explain, my scenario: I have the Item Types related: 1° Item type Authorization. 2° Item type AuthorizationTittle. 3° Item type AuthorizationTittleRelation (only to related). In the Authorization register view, I…
  • Any recommendations of Data modelling tools for ARAS?

    Any recommendations of Data modelling tools for ARAS?. we want to build a data model for your project which sould be presented to a non technical person. any specific mentions oh this topic ?
  • Aras 12 effectivity on custom itemtypes

    Hello Is there any help documentation available for effectivity in the open Aras 12 version? I know that there's documentation for the sample application for Aras 11, but the part BOM effectivity seems to be set up differently in Aras 12. I've been…