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  • How to change the position of a Relationship Accordion tab

    I needed to make a tab visible to certain identity. Therefore, I selected "Hide All" in the relationship types and used the CUI control to make a new tab. I need this tab to be all the way to right. Sort Order fields don't work, neither in the Relationship…
  • How do I "edit"/"update" a Relationship instance using js or AML.

    All, I am trying to "edit"/"update" the properties on a Non-Related Relationship; "rh_OraMfgMaster_ProdNumNomen". I must be missing something. I tried the following AML from AML Studio: <AML> <Item type="rh_Oracle_Manuf_Master_Item" action=…
  • Let's Talk About the Model-Based Enterprise, Digital Threads, and Relationships

    Relationships and maturity – we all have something to say about that since we cannot function without them. It is how we live our private lives, raise our children, and succeed in our careers. It is important because, according to the thesaurus, the antonyms…
  • Automatic Parent-relationship in Child item set, when Child-relationship set from Parent item

    Hi, I have created a Document-to-Document relationship for the Document itemtype with the goal of relating child documents to the parent - simple enough. However, now I want to design a system such that it behaves as below: I open the Parent document…
  • ARAS 12 - Before saving children's Item Type get the ID of the parent's Item Type

    Hello everyone, Try explain, my scenario: I have the Item Types related: 1° Item type Authorization. 2° Item type AuthorizationTittle. 3° Item type AuthorizationTittleRelation (only to related). In the Authorization register view, I…
  • Trigger Client Method on Relationship Replace

    I have a client method defined to be triggered on an OnInsertRow event for the Part BOM relationship type. This method is not triggered when the user performs a Part BOM replace. The most likely reason for this is, when handling the replace Innovator…
  • Affected Items Floating relationship not floating on Express ECO

    Hi all, Strange error happening here. For some unknown reason, when an item is on an ECO and it is versioned, the relationship is not floating to latest. In my dev environment it is working fine and the other environment is just a push from the dev…
  • Editable search grids and Poly Items that are Relationship Items

    Hi Community, Recent releases of Aras have enabled editable search grids. Is it possible to use this on poly item types? My use case is a little unique so let me explain - I am looking to create a dashboard of tasks which are relationship items…