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  • "Classification cannot be changed after saving the item" error using the .Net API to update requirement

    I am using Aras 11 SP15. I am trying to update a requirement I created. Here is my code: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using Aras.IOM; namespace TestArasProject { public static class Program { public static void Main(string[] args…
  • Getting an error "object Object" on UI when opening or creating a Requirement

    I am using Aras 11 SP15. This has the requirements engineering module instead of the requirements management. Whenever I try to open any existing requirement or create a new requirement, I get this following error with the message "object Object". Below…
  • "Root element is missing." XML Error when trying to add Requirement through .NET API

    I am trying to add a Requirement through the .NET API. Here is my code: //creating new connection HttpServerConnection conn = IomFactory.CreateHttpServerConnection(serverUrl, dbName, username, password); Innovator inn = IomFactory.CreateInnovator…