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  • Need Guidance: Prevent On Close Server Event to get called when there is Error (when voting) and the CM Activity is not Closed?

    Hello All, I'm creating a server-side method that sends an email to the Change Leader. It gets invoked " on close " in association with a Change Management workflow activity. The email should be sent only when the activity is closed, and the workflow…
  • Send emails from a C# Method not working

    Hello, I am trying to send an email from within a C# method but I am not receiving the message in my email. My code is made up of trying to check a url and then return if the url returned with an OK status or a 404 Error. When I get to the part where…
  • Commit the transaction half way through the code and continue the execution from there.

    Hi Team, We have a scenario where we want to commit the transaction half way through the code and continue the execution from there. For example : 1. We are working on Background tasks implementation 2. Where we want to change the status [property…
  • How to debug server side code in ARAS?

    I have added the breakpoint if (System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Launch()) System.Diagnostics.Debugger.Break(); It hits on the method breakpoint in Visual Studio, but I can't see the code nor I can step into it either. Also attaching the error occured…
  • How implement method aras to get data from data base oracle using DLL!!!!

    How implement method aras to get data from data base oracle using DLL!!!!contact me! i created method c# in VS .net that connect the database oracle, some one have idea how create method in aras that get this data from data base !!!
  • Get beforeupdate Relationships value from parent item

    there is a item name -Part and it has relation -Part_relation there are a date field and name field in Part_relation when user update , I want to check the field'value Cannot be earlier than Today When encountering an error, I will return inn…