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  • Send emails from a C# Method not working

    Hello, I am trying to send an email from within a C# method but I am not receiving the message in my email. My code is made up of trying to check a url and then return if the url returned with an OK status or a 404 Error. When I get to the part where…
  • Aras does not send emails

    Hi all! For some time now the Aras server has ceased send emails. No errors (even if I set wrong value to "Mail SMTPServer" parameter to InnovatorServerConfig.xml). No connection attempts in the mail server logs. But the emails to be sent appear in…
  • Error while sending email to the group Identity when email id not present for some users

    Hi Experts, I am using the Aras OOTB function to send the emails. Please find below code -, GroupIdentity); When all the members of the group identity have email ID's present then it is working fine, but if any…