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  • How to change the position of a Relationship Accordion tab

    I needed to make a tab visible to certain identity. Therefore, I selected "Hide All" in the relationship types and used the CUI control to make a new tab. I need this tab to be all the way to right. Sort Order fields don't work, neither in the Relationship…
  • How to disable delete relationship button based on parent item state?

    I know this question has been asked multiple times and I have reviewed all the ones that had answers. None of them seemed to clearly lead me in the right direction. I feel what I'm trying to do is a pretty basic use case. I'm trying to prevent affected…
  • New or Add from Relationship Tab without Locking Parent

    Hello All, Working in context of a Project, but could be applied elsewhere. I need to have the ability to relate (via new or existing Items) against the Project. The Relationship view provides this ability, but only when the parent item is locked for…
  • How to control relationships toolbar?

    Dears: How to control relationships toolbar? EX:Disable Lock buttom....