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  • Bringing items in through AML package as 'Released'

    Hello all, I am working on importing custom itemtypes to load via AML package as part of new builds. Due to how a customized contextual window displays these items, I need the items to be in a 'Released' state when they are brought in. (The window will…
  • Lifecycle/Workflow Promotion Issue

    Good day all. We are using v11 SP10. I have six DCNs (not OOTB) that were promoted to AUC from Final Review without one of the reviewers voting. According to the history, one of the reviewers promoted to the DCNs. I don't understand how this happened…
  • Defining a workflow process and map vs process plan

    Hi If my understanding is correct. a lifecycle is the states an item (be it a part, equipment or document) goes through. The manufacturing process plan is the plan (list of operations and steps) required to realize a part or product. Then what…
  • How to edit an item in AML with import/export tool

    hello, i post that here as a reminder because i was not able to find information about this : <AML> <Item type="ItemType" id="0E4B48B11212429DB971*BFB026ADB97" action=" edit "> Add / Delete <allow_private_permission>1</allow_private_permission…
  • ECO simpllification

    Hi, I simplified the Express ECO workflow. start-->submit-->draft changes-->review-->close change I am using the Express ECO lifecycle : new--> in planning--> in work -->in review--> released there is no problem for parts from Preliminary…
  • Configuring Aras Innovator Email Notifications

    So, you’ve installed Aras Innovator, and you have some great new workflows to try out! Now, how do you get a notification to your users that they have something to do? Aras can email them for you! All you need to get started is a user account with the…
  • Connection of 2 different workflows

    Dear Community, I have a question regarding the connection of 2 different workflows. I built a workflow of 'Parts' and another one for 'Documents'. 'Parts' and 'Documents' are two different ItemTypes and are connectd through a relationship 'One Part…
  • Promotions in Life cycles through workflow maps

    Dear community, I am having problems with the promotions of my item type "Documents". Document is an item type which aims at regrouping various documents of our company. A Lifecycle has been created to describe the different states of these documents…