ItemType - Header display name

Hi everyone... 1.I have created "new ItemType". 2.I try to create instance of my "new ItemType". 3.After created "new ItemType" , I just reopen the created one. In third image you see the ItemType “id” as header. Can I change the “id” with “name” which is user entered text as header?  
  • Hi... I have understood my problem little bit. If the name is unique then it will appear as header. Now, How can i set a property at my ItemType "Unique"? If set a property as unique i face an issue like "Column 'name' in table 'DOCS1' is of a type that is invalid for use as a key column in an index. Could not create constraint or index. See previous errors. in SQL: ALTER TABLE [DOCS1] ADD CONSTRAINT un3792 UNIQUE(name, [aras:uniqueness_helper])" Thank you. Sathishkumar C.
  • Hi... I have understood my problem little bit. If the name is unique then it will appear as header. Now, How can i set a property at my ItemType "Unique"? If set a property as unique i face an issue like "Column 'name' in table 'DOCS1' is of a type that is invalid for use as a key column in an index. Could not create constraint or index. See previous errors. in SQL: ALTER TABLE [DOCS1] ADD CONSTRAINT un3792 UNIQUE(name, [aras:uniqueness_helper])" Thank you. Sathishkumar C.
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