Open a specific form


Does any one know how to open a specific form using  top.aras.uiShowItem

// Add Contact to MIN_Fielded_Contacts
var inn = aras.IomInnovator;
var SCOBomDC = inn.newItem("MIN_FIELDED_PR_CONTACTS","add");
SCOBomDC = SCOBomDC.apply();
var c_id = SCOBomDC.getID();

if (newSCO.isError()){
    top.aras.uiShowItem("MIN_Fielded_PR", newSCO.getID(), "tab view", true);

  • I hope that anyone else knows an answer to this question. I would be happy for a simple solution for this one too.

    I assume aras.uiShowItem only can trigger the "Default" form.
    With aras.uiShowItemEx you can at least pass if you want to add the "Default/Add/Edit" form.

    If your specific Form is similar to the default one, the easiest solution is to use an "onLoad" event that shows hide the affected fields.
    As alternative you could also make a classification specific Form and pass a fake classification with the call.

    I personally use a solution based on this variant:

     How to pass context id of calling element to custom HTML or TOC view in new tab? 

    It opens an empty html page and you can manually specify the correct Form. But passing the item is a bit tricky. This one would be an overengineered solution that requires a lot of additional code so it looks like a normal form call.

    In my case it was for a very specific use case, so not just a classic item call that you are looking for. I guess there are a better variants available. 

    Maybe uiPopulateFormWithItemEx or something with uiShowItemInFrameEx. But I never used them in this context. If anyone knows more, please let me know!

  • I hope that anyone else knows an answer to this question. I would be happy for a simple solution for this one too.

    I assume aras.uiShowItem only can trigger the "Default" form.
    With aras.uiShowItemEx you can at least pass if you want to add the "Default/Add/Edit" form.

    If your specific Form is similar to the default one, the easiest solution is to use an "onLoad" event that shows hide the affected fields.
    As alternative you could also make a classification specific Form and pass a fake classification with the call.

    I personally use a solution based on this variant:

     How to pass context id of calling element to custom HTML or TOC view in new tab? 

    It opens an empty html page and you can manually specify the correct Form. But passing the item is a bit tricky. This one would be an overengineered solution that requires a lot of additional code so it looks like a normal form call.

    In my case it was for a very specific use case, so not just a classic item call that you are looking for. I guess there are a better variants available. 

    Maybe uiPopulateFormWithItemEx or something with uiShowItemInFrameEx. But I never used them in this context. If anyone knows more, please let me know!

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