• How do I "edit"/"update" a Relationship instance using js or AML.

    All, I am trying to "edit"/"update" the properties on a Non-Related Relationship; "rh_OraMfgMaster_ProdNumNomen". I must be missing something. I tried the following AML from AML Studio: <AML> <Item type="rh_Oracle_Manuf_Master_Item" action=…
  • Populate the WBS Elements for corresponding Activities2 in a project

    <AML> <Item type="WBS Activity2" action="get" select="name" where="WBS_Activity2.related_id IN (SELECT id FROM INNOVATOR.select_activities('9CB5E2CBBBDB1728B01882'))"> <Relationships> <Item type="Activity2" action="get" select="related_id(name)…
  • Custom BOM Quantity Rollout Report

    Hi, I am trying to develop a custom BOM Quantity Rollout report, we have been able to pull in all the information we need from the Parts and Part BOM however, we need help pulling in the Manufacturer Part from the Part AML, I need help in determining…
  • Possible to update source_id? Aras Version 11.0 SP14

    I would like to change a record's "source_id" value using a command like: <Item type="myType" action="edit" id="F54D10BECFC14EAA88D09048A6EFCA1E"> <source_id>07DD8562F5FB43E7BC04DD152268B002</source_id> </Item> Does Aras forbid any "source_id" editing…
  • Include relationship when exporting ItemType?

    Why aren't my RelationshipTypes on my custom ItemType exported when I run Aras's export.exe program? It renders it useless if it doesn't include *everything*.