gunner - Wednesday, October 26, 2011 6:26 AM: Hello, I've been exploring various table fields and came across the CONFIG_ID field which is one of the key fields used by ARAS. I have come to the understanding that it uses the MD5 algorithim to determine…
  • DEVELOPERS FORUM - Search Documents by Criteria of Any Revision

    [email protected] - Thursday, January 2, 2014 5:53 PM: I have a specific need of searching documents based off a field that will change with each revision. For example I would like to be able to create a field labeled "Contracts" and each revision…
  • How to edit an item in AML with import/export tool

    hello, i post that here as a reminder because i was not able to find information about this : <AML> <Item type="ItemType" id="0E4B48B11212429DB971*BFB026ADB97" action=" edit "> Add / Delete <allow_private_permission>1</allow_private_permission…
  • Lessons Learned from importing data for Parts with xClassification data and a thumbnail image

    With the attached document, I just want to share my experiences and struggles with the hope that it helps someone else trying to do similar things. It follows on from my posts https://community.aras.com/f/getting-started/35943/script-for-importing…