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  • Who is using the Aras SQL 'Federation ItemType Sample v3-1' and can share experience?

    Hi community, Does anyone of you use the 'Federation ItemType Sample v3-1'? It´s a sample project that can be used to access external SQL database data via federation more easily. It basically contains a configuring ItemType that helps to setup the…
  • Aras Integration and Federation and How it Can Work for You

    In any enterprise-wide PLM deployment, integration to legacy systems is likely to be an important topic. Whether you need to interface with an ERP suite, extend an old PDM system or plug into an EAI / ESB environment, you probably need to securely share…
  • Understanding Integration & Federation with Aras

    In any enterprise-wide PLM deployment the subject of integration to legacy systems is going to be important. Everybody knows that Aras has a comprehensive suite of pre-packaged connector integrations for MCAD, EDA / ECAD and ERP systems, however, not…