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  • How to check if a floating license(xPlm CadConnector) is in use or not?

    We have 5 floating licenses of xPlmCad connector. Sometimes, the license is not released when the user logs out. We were given a new key to use and we want to try it out. How\Where do I check to see if the floating license is in use? It would be great…
  • PDM Week: Direct PLM, A Multi-CAD Connector

    Yesterday we told you about our approach to CAD File Management and today we’re going to dig into one of our CAD Connector solutions. Sergio Salsedo of Focus PLM presents Direct PLM, a multi-CAD Connector for Aras. This solution is an external connector…
  • Aras Solution Spotlight: Direct PLM, A Multi-CAD Connector

    Sergio Salsedo of Focus PLM presents Direct PLM, a Multi-CAD Connector for Aras. This solution is an external connector with a "pop-up" from the task bar that allows you to connect to a wide variety of CAD systems, as well as Microsoft Word, to Aras Innovator…
  • Your PLM System is only as Good as the Sum of its Parts

    So, you're looking at PLM systems. That's cool. You've probably seen lots of slick demos showing you stuff you can't wait to get your hands on. Before you get too excited, take a close look under the hood of that "integrated solution suite." See, the…