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  • The Future of Product Innovation and PLM – Abstraction, Digital Threads, and Artificial Intelligence

    PLM solutions traditionally manage what a product is (aka design data) without much understanding of what the product does (aka design intent). Design data configuration management is critical for keeping track of product variants, releases, changes,…
  • Mitigating Failure in Medical Devices

    Products fail. We’ve seen it time and again, from smokeless cigarettes to Ford’s failed Edsel automobile and the $680 million submarine that could not float . The reasons are many and the impacts are far-reaching. They affect a company’s reputation, and…
  • They Say Variety is the Spice of Life….

    If you don’t know why something is the way it is, then how can you fix it, upgrade it, repurpose it, or reuse it—in totality or in parts? There is a story of a daughter asking her mom why she would always cut both ends of a roast before putting it in…
  • Critical Paths: Connecting Manufacturing Process Planning to the Digital Thread

    If “Data is the new oil,” then a PLM platform capable of connecting related data across organizational functions, like manufacturing and engineering, is the new pipeline—delivering critical, accurate information where and when it's needed. Better known…
  • How to avoid wrong revision used in MPP?

    Hi Community, there is a known issue in MPP that the application will not check if the MBOM uses the same Part revisions as specified in the EBOM. The EBOM/MOBM mainly validates quantities, but never checks if the used parts revision matches. The…
  • How to roll-up cycle times and costs of MBOM in Aras MPP Process Plans?

    At the moment, we can add cycle times and setup times to operations, and cycle times to steps. But this information does not display anywhere once entered. That is fine, but at least if there was the ability to roll-up the cycle times of all the operations…