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  • Filter ItemType properties to "Non Core" only

    if you are an Aras administrator or developer and often work with ItemTypes and their properties you know that each ItemType has many "Core" properties, such as "config_id", "created_on" and so on. Regular ItemType has 23 such properties and Relationship…
  • Link in children's Item Type view to the parent's Item Type view

    Hello everyone, Try explain, my scenario: I have the Item Types related: 1° Item type Authorization. 2° Item type AuthorizationTittle. 3° Item type AuthorizationTittleRelation (only to related). I need add a link or buton in AuthorizationTittle…
  • ARAS 12 - Before saving children's Item Type get the ID of the parent's Item Type

    Hello everyone, Try explain, my scenario: I have the Item Types related: 1° Item type Authorization. 2° Item type AuthorizationTittle. 3° Item type AuthorizationTittleRelation (only to related). In the Authorization register view, I…
  • How to get a property default value?

    Hi everyone, This feels like a silly thing to ask, but I haven't seen anything in the documentation or the forum regarding getting the default value of a property. Some context: I need to evaluate values, but if a value is not present, I need…
  • get property list from item type, issue reading the result item

    hello, i want to get a list of names of propreties that start a certain way 'z%'. i've found aml that was supposed to do it, i' made an iom code to recrate that aml (actually creates the right aml). But what i get is only one item, so i want to know…
  • Item Type issue after Import

    Hi Community, Strange issue here. I exported an item type and it necessary relationships over from my development server to my test server. I can create items in the item type just fine. What I can't do - Edit the item type - presented with error…
  • Value of field doesn't change if the field type is itemtype and have onchange event.

    My scenario is after selecting any value in field 'A' which is of item type, I have to set/change the value of field 'B'. so i added a onchange event in field 'A'. like this const inputValue = this.value; window.handleItemChange('field B name', "new…
  • Change default date format of date field.

    Dear, How can I change date format to yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss of date field on item type config property. I see aras provide 4 types format of datetime(Short date, short date time, long date, long date time). I input custom format ( yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss…