How Technip Energies LS replaced Legacy Engineering System in Under 6 Months with Agility

How Technip Energies LS Replaced Legacy Engineering System Under 6 months with Agility

In this presentation, Guillaume Fong, Mechanical Engineer & PLM Product Owner of Technip Energies Loading Systems, shares his experiences on replacing an obsolete PDM system and bringing the management of As-Design and As-Built configurations, documents & geometries, engineering changes into Innovator, and how the system provides interfaces with Supply Chain & Manufacturing (ERP), Master Data Management, as well as several custom features.

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In this presentation, Guillaume Fong, Mechanical Engineer & PLM Product Owner of Technip Energies Loading Systems, shares his experiences on replacing an obsolete PDM system and bringing the management of As-Design and As-Built configurations, documents & geometries, engineering changes into Innovator, and how the system provides interfaces with Supply Chain & Manufacturing (ERP), Master Data Management, as well as several custom features.

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