• Upload missing document relationship in Process Plan. "Add" statement doesn't work

    I need to upload relationship between Operation Document and the Documents. As you can see from the picture below the hierarchy of Process Plan is: Process Plan--> Operation Number (which is `sort_order`, in this case it is 20)-->Document I have an…
  • Project view for Sub WBS Elements

    Hello Community, I am trying to customize the Project item view to be able to view sub WBS elements as separate projects so that Project Managers at different levels can view and interact with the schedule of their own project without having to view…
  • How do I "edit"/"update" a Relationship instance using js or AML.

    All, I am trying to "edit"/"update" the properties on a Non-Related Relationship; "rh_OraMfgMaster_ProdNumNomen". I must be missing something. I tried the following AML from AML Studio: <AML> <Item type="rh_Oracle_Manuf_Master_Item" action=…
  • Aras - ECO Impact Matrix - Email body additional fields mapping

    Hello Aras experts, I am currently working on customizing the Aras ECO e-Mail settings. Currently, the workflow triggers fields such as Activity, Instructions, Eco number, and Title in the email content. However, I've received a request from our business…
  • Batchloading multiple Document items - but some reference/link to others via template_file_container. Possible to batchload all documents and their dependent items in one go?

    Hey all, I am developing a batchloading schema for uploading template files. Pretty straightforward, here is my AML for a simple document load: <AML> <Item type="Document" action="add"> <name>@1</name> <description>@2</description> <state>@3</state…
  • Is it possible to update an item with AML and not change modified_by_id and modified_on

    Just as the question says. I want to mass update some background properties but not show Super User as the modifier. TIA.
  • How does Aras handle the action(s) on a collection of items in an AML?

    I have written a server method that uses some custom XML-like AML to implement an inventory reconciliation. I would like to pass in a collection of items for this method to act on. When I implement a server call like: <AML> <Item type="Part" id…
  • Where Used Report - Multiple Levels

    Is it possible to generate a Report containing the results from the Where Used function? Other solutions I've seen only contain one level of results - I am looking for a Where Used Report that goes through multiple levels.
  • Suggestion: Best place to learn AML language to use correct template in batchloader

    Hello Community I have recently started using PLMA tool and batchloader. Is there any best resource to learn aml language to load data in batch through batchloader. This will also help me in aml search in PLMA. Thanks
  • Designing a Dynamic Date Calculator

    When querying for information from Aras Innovator, it is sometimes desired to query for information relative to today's date. For example, we may wish to find a Part that a coworker told us was created yesterday, or we may want to find which Parts are…
  • AML to Update List Property

    Good day. I added a list property to a few ItemTypes with a default value (itemtype, default value is the ItemType ID). When I create an entry the field is populated and identified correctly. When I try to update other entries using AML (Nash or Batchloader…
  • AML = SQL Where (IN)

    Good day all. I have a JavaScript Method that uses the following line to create a list. tdpList.loadAML('<Item type="s_Document" orderBy="id" action="get" where="([s_DOCUMENT].id IN(SELECT RELATED_ID FROM innovator.s_TDP_DOCUMENT WHERE (SOURCE_ID…
  • AML Search Query - If name exists in any field, do not display in results

    I am trying to look up work orders where the specified name is not anywhere on the distribution. Currently the way it is set up, it will display work orders where "John Doe" is included because there are more than one lines on distribution and while it…
  • How do you import Excel BOM data into Aras Innovator open version?

    Hello, I currently use the open, free version of Aras Innovator and am having difficulty figuring out how to store BOM data within the tool. I have seen from other posts that subscribers have access to a direct import functionality and also some kind…
  • rest api AML

    Is it possible to send body with AML to rest api and get aml response? I could create a method that accepts string and parse the aml and reply but not sure how that would apply on the rights (trying to get only the items the logged in user can see…
  • Lessons Learned from importing data for Parts with xClassification data and a thumbnail image

    With the attached document, I just want to share my experiences and struggles with the hope that it helps someone else trying to do similar things. It follows on from my posts https://community.aras.com/f/getting-started/35943/script-for-importing…
  • What is Export Utility Levels ?

    what is the meaning of the above highlighted line in the EXPORT Utility?
  • How is the AML saved in the database ?

    Is it converted into Sql insert statement. I would also like to know about Odata, how is it implemented in ARAS?
  • Populate the WBS Elements for corresponding Activities2 in a project

    <AML> <Item type="WBS Activity2" action="get" select="name" where="WBS_Activity2.related_id IN (SELECT id FROM INNOVATOR.select_activities('9CB5E2CBBBDB1728B01882'))"> <Relationships> <Item type="Activity2" action="get" select="related_id(name)…
  • Uploading a local file to Innovator using the Batch Loader

    I'm having issues uploading a local file to an instance of Innovator using the Batch Loader. I have the following XML: <Item type="Document File" action="add"> <related_id> <Item type="File" action="add"> <actual_filename>C:\some\file\path\@1</actual_filename…
  • Uploading multiple document revisions with the batchloader

    Hi, I have the following (legacy) structure of documents and files: DOC-0001 Rev 12 State: Superseded File abc_12.dwg File abc_12.pdf DOC-0001 Rev 13 State: Superseded File abc_13.dwg File abc_13.pdf DOC-0001 Rev 14 State:…
  • Custom BOM Quantity Rollout Report

    Hi, I am trying to develop a custom BOM Quantity Rollout report, we have been able to pull in all the information we need from the Parts and Part BOM however, we need help pulling in the Manufacturer Part from the Part AML, I need help in determining…
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