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  • How can I trigger the classification to update and change forms from a different property?

    Hi Aras Community, I have a use case where my classification is technically controlling two things. What type of workflow they are on and what kind of form they see with the ability to switch the different kinds of forms. I'm trying to prevent mistakes…
  • Button not adhering to CSS

    Hello, I've got a button with very simple CSS (below). Problem is, the button isn't adhering to the code: {$this field rule} input; input[type="button"]{ height: 50px; width: 50px; } input[type="button"]:disabled{ background: #dddddd; } On both…
  • How to get a property default value?

    Hi everyone, This feels like a silly thing to ask, but I haven't seen anything in the documentation or the forum regarding getting the default value of a property. Some context: I need to evaluate values, but if a value is not present, I need…
  • onChange field value does not keep new value when item is saved

    Hi everyone, I have an on change event that fires when one of my stock fields are changed, which should change the value of a stock message field. The function I have is able to change the value of the stock message field, but when I save/click…
  • Client side Form function and script not evaluating correctly.

    Good day all. TL;DR: I am having trouble getting an onLoad method to reliably print an evaluated value to a field. The form is as follows: Stock message contains: <span id='stock_msg'></span> I have a javascript onLoad method that compares…
  • Value of field doesn't change if the field type is itemtype and have onchange event.

    My scenario is after selecting any value in field 'A' which is of item type, I have to set/change the value of field 'B'. so i added a onchange event in field 'A'. like this const inputValue = this.value; window.handleItemChange('field B name', "new…
  • JS in Item view: Why is document.thisItem.node.childNodes modified on lock/unlock?

    While running a method OnFormPopulated, I reference the list document.thisItem.node.childNodes to get an overview of the properties of the current item. This NodeList contains all elements on first load, however, when a lock/unlock action subsequently…
  • How can i Disable FormattedText field using Javascript

    Im trying to disable FormattedText FormattedText field using on Formpopulate. unfortunately i have been unsuccessful. Can someone please tell me the script to disable it.