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  • How to change field_type of a property on Form load?

    Hi community, I work on a huge Form project. The Form design has some dependency from the classification, but I don´t want to draw 3 Forms for each classification. I want to avoid having to add and align 50 properties in all of them. I have a few…
  • Customize Bills of Materials (BOM)

    Hello, I need to make a new BOM form where the BOM level is only 1 and I need to remove some of the columns that appear in the default BOM form. Also, need to add a logo to the form. Super new to Aras, therefore, if someone can point me in the…
  • How to add another section of a form in a different tab in Aras

    Hi community, I am new to Aras, and I am exploring different features of the tool, as an administrator. I am writing this post to seek help in implementing a UI change. I want to add different forms in different tabs in the itemview. The number of…
  • Is there any limitation on number of item to be added in the form for ARAS 11?

    Hai , I am working on ARAS 11 th version, There I do have a form with 1005 Items(html,textbox,line,Rectangle,form action….ect.). But I can’t able to add more Items than this. If I try to add new Item The entire form disappear from the workstation ,…
  • How can I trigger the classification to update and change forms from a different property?

    Hi Aras Community, I have a use case where my classification is technically controlling two things. What type of workflow they are on and what kind of form they see with the ability to switch the different kinds of forms. I'm trying to prevent mistakes…
  • HTML Button - Script Not Working?

    I'm looking to dress up a form by adding in some HTML buttons that have images (basically the ItemType image). I've got methods linked to normal buttons on the form and those are working as expected. When I do an HTML button they look like I want…
  • Dynamic Dropdown Error

    Hi, I am using example in for dynamically populating values for a dropdown at OnFocus event. The form works fine as far as a value is selected from the dropdown…
  • Inbasket Form Preview

    I am trying to incorporate the Preview Form action on the Inbasket so our users can see the item's form on the same page as the inbasket. This action works like normal for all other items except Inbasket. How would I be able to enable this feature for…