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  • Trouble Exporting HTML Table to Excel in Aras Innovator Custom Button

    Hello everyone, I've been working on a custom button within the search tab for parts in Aras Innovator. The goal is to export a list of specific parts and their properties through a query and display them in an HTML table. Here's a snippet of the…
  • Data loss issue from relationships

    Hello Team Recently I have observed data loss issue from relationships in Aras 12 SP14 (Build 29362) in OOTB environment. This issue is not reproducible every time but frequently. Below are the steps to reproduce this issue: Create Part and…
  • Unable to set the default value in dropdown

    I am having one drop down box in the form. Where it showing all the list of values in dropdown. But, I need to display default selected value from the relational grid and display it in dropdown box along with list of value. I tried to assign default value…
  • How to access Vault server folder from Aras server C# method.

    How to access Vault server files from Aras C# code in case my vault server present in different machine & Aras application server is present in different machine? Regards, Suhas
  • Refresh

    Hi Community, I try to save the item type by giving parent value and child relation ship value. While doing this one, I am using AML query to update the value in database and but the status of the save button is not changing to edit, it still showing…
  • Dynamic Dropdown Error

    Hi, I am using example in for dynamically populating values for a dropdown at OnFocus event. The form works fine as far as a value is selected from the dropdown…
  • Merge pdfs and convert csv to pdf

    Hi everyone, I want to add the data in a relationship in table form in a preexisting pdf.I am thinking making a csv from relationships than converting to pdf using some libraries and then merging both the pdfs.I tried itext7 but aras toolbar disappears…
  • lost Multilevel BOM Report default stylesheet format aras 12

    i lost default stylesheet during editing plz anyone send me default stylesheet of Multilevel BOM Report of aras 12v