Making the Connection: The How-To’s of Connecting Suppliers, Partners, and Manufacturers

making the connection

Product complexity has skyrocketed over the last ten years and it continues to rise as electronics and software dominate and IOT becomes a reality. According to Gartner, the shift in product complexity has resulted in more than 8.4B connected “things” signing online in 2017 with 20.4B online by 2020. To conquer product complexity, manufacturers are undergoing a digital transformation to develop and market connected products and remain competitive.

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making the connection

Product complexity has skyrocketed over the last ten years and it continues to rise as electronics and software dominate and IOT becomes a reality. According to Gartner, the shift in product complexity has resulted in more than 8.4B connected "things" signing online in 2017 with 20.4B online by 2020. To conquer product complexity, manufacturers are undergoing a digital transformation to develop and market connected products and remain competitive.
